Understanding Autism Behavior
Autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder, is characterized by unique behavioral patterns. A comprehensive understanding of these behaviors can contribute to more effective therapies and interventions.
Behavioral Characteristics of Autism
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) encompass a broad range of behavioral characteristics that can vary significantly across the spectrum. Some behaviors are more commonly seen in classic autism, while others are more prevalent in high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome.

Many of the behaviors exhibited by individuals with autism are their responses to their immediate environment. Thus, understanding the typical meanings behind these behaviors is crucial. These behaviors could include, but are not limited to:
- Restricted, repetitive behaviors: These could include repetitive body movements (like hand flapping or rocking), insistence on sameness, and routines.
- Communication difficulties: This may involve challenges with verbal and non-verbal communication.
- Social interaction challenges: Individuals with autism might struggle with social-emotional reciprocity, understanding social cues, or maintaining relationships.
- Atypical sensory behaviors: Over 96% of children with ASD report hyper and hypo-sensitivities in multiple domains. These sensory behavioral differences can range from mild to severe and can persist into adulthood.
Variability in Autism Behaviors
Autism behaviors can be diverse and vary greatly among individuals, highlighting the importance of a personalized approach when assessing an individual's behavior. When determining the need for a diagnostic assessment, it is essential to consider the individual's overall presentation of behaviors rather than focusing on any single behavior in isolation.
This variability in behaviors can be influenced by several factors, including the individual's sensory sensitivities. For example, people with ASD may experience sensory differences categorized under restricted repetitive behaviors, with some being under (hypo) or over (hyper) sensitive to a variety of sensory inputs.
Understanding the variability in autism behaviors underscores the importance of personalized interventions and therapies. It is essential to understand that each individual is unique, and strategies that work for one individual may not necessarily work for another. By focusing on the individual's needs and strengths, we can make strides in improving their quality of life.
Behavioral Management Therapies
Behavioral management therapies are designed to help manage how autism affects behavior. These therapies aim to reinforce desired behaviors and reduce unwanted ones by providing caregivers with strategies to implement before, during, and after instances of problematic behaviors.
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a prominent approach for behavioral therapy in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ABA helps track a child's progress in enhancing their skills, providing a measurable and practical method for assessing behavioral changes.
There are different types of ABA used to treat ASD, indicating that a variety of strategies can be tailored to individuals with autism to address their specific needs and behaviors. This flexibility allows for personalized treatment plans that align with the unique behavioral patterns of each child.
Some of the commonly used types of ABA include:
- Discrete Trial Training (DTT)
- Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)
- Pivotal Response Training (PRT)
- Verbal Behavior Intervention (VBI)
Alternative Behavioral Therapies
While ABA is widely accepted, other behavioral therapies may also be effective for individuals with ASD. These alternative therapies underscore the importance of exploring various treatment options and consulting with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable approach for each child.
Alternative behavioral therapies may include:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Developmental, Individual Differences, Relationship-Based Approach (DIR)
- Occupational Therapy (OT)
- Speech Therapy
Each of these therapies offers different approaches to manage and improve the behaviors associated with autism. Identifying the most effective therapy often involves trial and error, and what works best may depend on the child's specific symptoms and needs.
In conclusion, behavioral management therapies, including ABA and various alternative therapies, offer practical and effective strategies for addressing the question of how autism affects behavior. By tailoring the therapy to the individual's needs, these approaches can significantly improve the quality of life for children with ASD and their families.
Impact of Sensory Processing
One of the key aspects of understanding how autism affects behavior revolves around sensory processing. This refers to how individuals with autism interpret and organize sensory input from their environment, and it is an area where they often face significant challenges.
Sensory Sensitivities in Autism
Individuals on the autism spectrum may experience hyper or hypo-sensitivity to sensory input. In other words, they can either be overly sensitive or under-sensitive to what they see, taste, touch, hear, and smell. Additionally, their perception can sometimes be fragmented or distorted due to difficulty processing everyday sensory information. These sensory processing issues can lead to high anxiety and meltdowns, underscoring their profound impact on behavior [5].
Moreover, their responses to sensory experiences can vary from day to day, adding an extra layer of complexity in understanding and managing their behaviors.
Given these challenges, modifications to the environment are often the most accessible intervention for sensory processing difficulties. Such modifications involve assessing an individual's sensory processing characteristics and adjusting aspects of their experiences to counteract hyper or hypo-sensitivities [5].
Stimming Behavior in Autism
Stimming, or self-stimulatory behaviors, is another aspect of behavior related to sensory processing in autism. This behavior is common in individuals with autism and is used as a way to regulate their sensory environment.
Stimming can range from mild to intense and can involve repetitive or unusual body movements or noises. The nature of stimming behavior can vary significantly from person to person. For those who are hypersensitive, stimming can have a calming effect and help reduce sensory overload. On the other hand, for those experiencing hypo-sensitivity, stimming can increase stimulation and improve focus [5].
Understanding these behaviors and their links to sensory processing can provide valuable insight into the effects of autism on behavior. By recognizing these patterns, it becomes possible to develop more effective strategies for managing and supporting individuals with autism in everyday life.
Social Challenges and Communication
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) significantly impacts an individual's ability to communicate and interact socially. This section will explore the impairments in social communication as well as the intricacies of language and social interactions for those with autism.
Social Communication Impairments
All individuals with ASD exhibit social communication impairments, which can include the lack of appropriate eye contact and inability to initiate or respond to joint attention [3]. These impairments can be challenging as they play a crucial role in how an individual with autism communicates and relates to others.
Furthermore, individuals with ASD may demonstrate restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. These may occur due to a limited repertoire of alternative behaviors or a preference for repeatedly performing certain tasks. Additionally, sensory differences, with some individuals being under (hypo) or over (hyper) sensitive to a variety of sensory inputs, can also influence social communication.
Language and Social Interaction
Language skills can be particularly challenging for individuals with autism. They may have specific difficulties in receptive and expressive language. Receptive language refers to the comprehension of language, such as following directions, while expressive language is the ability to express desires and thoughts to other persons [3].
These language difficulties often extend to social interactions. For instance, individuals with autism may struggle with understanding social cues or initiating and maintaining conversations. They may also have difficulty interpreting body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions, which can further complicate social interactions.
Moreover, impairments in executive functioning can affect advanced cognitive skills such as attention, working memory, planning, reasoning, sequencing, and flexible thinking. These impairments can impact various aspects of social interactions, academics, learning, self-regulation, and activities of daily living.
Understanding these challenges provides insight into the complexities of how autism affects behavior and underscores the importance of supportive and adaptive strategies in both social and communicative contexts.
Classroom Behavior Strategies
Classroom management strategies are crucial for helping children with autism navigate their learning environment. How autism affects behavior can vary greatly from child to child, but understanding these behaviors and implementing appropriate strategies can help create a more inclusive classroom.
Individualized Behavior Plans
To effectively manage the behaviors exhibited by children with autism, one strategy is to implement an Individualized Behavior Plan. This customized plan is part of the child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP), which starts with a Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA) to identify the root causes of behaviors. A Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) is then written, outlining specific solutions to address these behaviors [6].
Strategies implemented in these plans can include:
- Incorporating strengths and interests
- Increasing structure
- Setting realistic expectations
- Timing transitions carefully
- Addressing sensory sensitivities
- Offering quiet spaces
- Improving communication skills
- Implementing calming techniques
These strategies aim to reduce behavior challenges and allow children with autism to participate more effectively in the classroom.
Sensory Sensitivities in Classrooms
Sensory sensitivities, such as textures, aromas, bright lights, and noise, can precede challenging behaviors in children with autism. Addressing these sensitivities can improve comfort and potentially reduce behavior challenges. Strategies to manage sensory sensitivities in classrooms include the use of noise-cancelling headphones, providing sensory breaks, and creating quiet spaces for children to retreat when overwhelmed.
Additionally, communication tools such as augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools like sign language and Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS), along with speech and language therapy, can help children with autism develop better communication skills and potentially reduce behavior problems in the classroom [6].
Remember, children with autism often use behaviors to communicate their wants, needs, anxieties, and frustrations. By understanding and addressing these behaviors proactively, educators can create a more positive and effective learning environment for all students.
Therapeutic Interventions for Autism
The impact of autism on behavior can be significant, leading to a need for therapeutic interventions specially designed to manage and improve behavioral outcomes. These interventions often focus on reinforcing desired behaviors and reducing undesired ones. They also aim to provide caregivers with strategies to implement before, during, and after episodes of problematic behaviors. This section will discuss two key therapeutic interventions: behavior therapy approaches and music therapy for social skills.
Behavior Therapy Approaches
Behavioral management therapy for autism targets reinforcing desired behaviors and reducing unwanted ones. It provides strategies for caregivers to use before, during, and after instances of problem behaviors [4]. One widely accepted approach is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), which helps track a child's progress in improving their skills.
Different types of ABA are commonly used to treat Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), indicating that a variety of strategies can be tailored to individuals with autism to address their specific needs and behaviors [4]. Behavioral therapies other than ABA may also be effective for individuals with ASD, highlighting the importance of exploring various treatment options and consulting with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable approach for the child.
The approach of behavior management therapy in autism involves providing guidance to caregivers on actions to take before, during, and after instances of unwanted behaviors. It emphasizes a proactive and comprehensive strategy to address behavioral challenges.
Music Therapy for Social Skills
Music therapy has been recommended as an effective treatment intervention for social interaction, verbal communication, and socioemotional reciprocity in children with ASD. The unique stimulus of music provides an engaging way for children with ASD to interact socially and work toward nonmusical social outcomes.
Music therapy interventions have been shown to increase joint attention behaviors, peer interactions, communication skills, and cognitive social skills in children with ASD. These studies provide evidence that music therapy can promote measurable changes in the social behaviors of children with ASD.
However, more research is needed, particularly on the impact of music therapy on adults with ASD and on children with different comorbidities and different levels of ASD. Further research is also needed on assessment tools that can appropriately capture social skills in music therapy interventions and the generalization of these skills to other settings.
In conclusion, behavioral therapies and music therapy interventions can be effective therapeutic interventions to address how autism affects behavior. However, the suitability and effectiveness of these interventions may depend on individual needs and circumstances. Therefore, personalized treatment planning under the guidance of healthcare professionals is essential.
[2]: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3086654/
[3]: https://iidcweb.indiana.edu/irca/articles/characteristics-of-individuals-with-an-asd.html
[4]: https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/autism/conditioninfo/treatments/behavioral-management
[5]: https://www.autismtas.org.au/about-autism/key-areas-of-difference/sensory-differences/
[6]: https://www.sarahdooleycenter.org/news/autism-in-the-classroom-how-to-handle-behavior-challenges/