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Average Human Attention Span (Statistics)

Did you know that goldfish have an average attention span of 9 seconds, while humans have a 8.25 second attention span?

What's The Average Human Attention Span?

  1. The average attention span of a human has decreased from 12 seconds to 8.25 seconds in the last two decades.
  2. Goldfish have an average attention span of 9 seconds, one second more than humans.
  3. The majority of people have a shorter attention span while using mobile devices.
  4. The human attention span is shorter than that of a squirrel.
  5. The attention span of a Gen Z individual is around 8 seconds, similar to that of a goldfish.
  6. An average person checks their phone 58 times a day, affecting their attention span.
  7. The average attention span of someone listening to a presentation is 8 minutes.
  8. Multi-tasking reduces attention span by up to 40%.
  9. The average attention span of a consumer in 2021 is 8 seconds.
  10. The brain of a person loses focus every 8 seconds, reducing their attention span.

Average Human Attention Span Statistics

Category Data
Average Human Attention Span 8.25 seconds
Average Goldfish Attention Span 9 seconds
% Of Teenagers Who Forget Important Info 25%
% Of People Who Forget Their Birthdays 7%
Avg. Internet Video Watch Time 2.7 minutes

Average Attention Span Of An Adult

  • The average attention span of an adult is 8 seconds, which is one second less than a goldfish.
  • In 2000, the average attention span of an adult was 12 seconds, meaning it has decreased by a whopping 33% in just two decades.
  • Research shows that only 17% of page views last for more than four seconds, indicating how quickly adults lose interest in content that fails to grab their attention.

Average Attention Spans By Age

Age Average Child Attention Span
2 years old 4-6 minutes
3 years old 6-8 minutes
4 years old 8-12 minutes
5-6 years old 12-18 minutes
7-8 years old 16-24 minutes
9-10 years old 20-30 minutes
11-12 years old 25-35 minutes
13-15 years old 30-40 minutes
16+ years old 32-50+ minutes
  • The attention span of a Gen Z individual is around 8 seconds, similar to that of a goldfish.
  • Millennials have an average attention span of 12 seconds.
  • Baby Boomers have an average attention span of 20 seconds.
  • The Silent Generation (born between 1925 and 1945) has the longest attention span among all generations, with an average of 25 seconds.
  • A study conducted by Microsoft found that the ability to multitask decreases with age. People aged 60 and above perform poorly in tasks that require dividing their attention between multiple sources.

How Long is a Child's Attention Span?

  • According to studies, the average attention span of a 2-3-year-old child is around 8 seconds.
  • The attention span of a 4-year-old child is around 12 minutes.
  • A study conducted in 2015 found that children aged between 5 and 6 years old had an average attention span of just over 15 minutes.
  • As children grow older, their attention span increases. By the age of 8, they can focus on a task for approximately 20 minutes.

Average Teenager Attention Span

Age Attention Span
14 years old 28-42 minutes
16 years old 32-48 minutes
  • Teenagers have an average attention span of 8 seconds, similar to that of a Gen Z individual and a goldfish.
  • A study conducted by Pew Research Center found that 50% of teenagers reported feeling addicted to their mobile devices, which can negatively impact their attention span.
  • Research suggests that the use of social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat can also contribute to a decrease in attention span among teenagers.
  • According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, exposure to video games can lead to a shorter attention span in teenagers, with an average reduction of 7.4% per hour spent playing.
How declining attention spans impact your social media

Social Media on Attention Span

  • 91% of social media users access it through mobile devices, which can lead to a shorter attention span.
  • A study conducted by Microsoft found that the average human attention span has decreased by 4 seconds since 2000, and social media is one of the primary drivers of this trend.
  • According to research by Common Sense Media, teenagers spend an average of 7.5 hours per day using electronic devices, contributing to a decrease in their attention span.

Attention Span Affects Learning and Education

  • According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, students' attention span decreases significantly after just 10 minutes of lecture time.
  • In a survey conducted by the University of California, students reported being distracted during class for an average of 20% of the time, which can negatively impact their learning and retention.


What is attention span?

The average human has an attention span of only 8.25 seconds.

What factors affect attention span?

Several factors can affect attention span, and it's important to be aware of them in order to optimize our focus and productivity. Age is one such factor, with research showing that attention span tends to decrease as we get older.

However, technology use can also play a role, as the constant stimulation of smartphones and other devices can make it harder to concentrate on a single task for an extended period of time.

Multitasking is another culprit that can negatively impact attention span. While it may seem like we're being more productive by juggling multiple tasks at once, studies have shown that this can actually decrease overall efficiency and lead to more mistakes.

Finally, fatigue can also be a major factor, as it can make it difficult to stay alert and focused for extended periods of time.

Is it possible to improve attention span?

Yes, there are several ways to improve attention span that are worth considering. One effective way is practicing mindfulness and meditation. These techniques help to calm the mind, reduce stress, and increase focus.

Another way to boost your attention span is by getting enough sleep. Sleep is crucial for the brain to function at its best, and a well-rested mind is better able to concentrate and stay alert.

Reducing distractions is also essential. Try to minimize interruptions and limit multi-tasking as much as possible.

When you're working on a task, try to stay focused on that task alone. Taking breaks when needed is another effective way to improve attention span. Studies have shown that taking short, regular breaks can help improve focus and productivity.

How does attention span affect productivity?

In today's fast-paced world, having a shorter attention span can significantly reduce productivity and lead to increased errors and mistakes. With the constant barrage of information and stimuli, it can be challenging to stay focused for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, this can have negative consequences on one's work and personal life.

Individuals with a shorter attention span may find it harder to complete tasks efficiently and effectively. They may struggle to stay on task or keep their minds from wandering. This can lead to missed deadlines, incomplete work, and a general sense of frustration and overwhelm.

What are some strategies for improving attention span in the workplace?

Some strategies for improving attention span in the workplace include setting clear goals and priorities, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, creating a distraction-free environment, and taking regular breaks.

However, it's important to remember that attention span can be influenced by a wide range of factors, including sleep quality, stress levels, and overall health and wellness.

To improve your attention span, consider incorporating mindfulness practices into your daily routine, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Additionally, make sure to prioritize self-care activities like exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep each night.

Another helpful strategy is to vary your work tasks throughout the day to keep your brain engaged and prevent burnout. For example, if you have a particularly challenging task to complete, try breaking it up with a more routine or enjoyable task to give your brain a break.


In conclusion, understanding the average attention span is crucial for businesses and content creators in creating effective marketing messages and content that resonate with the audience.

By implementing mindfulness, taking breaks, prioritizing work, and engaging in physical activity, individuals can improve their attention span and be more productive.


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