Spotlight on Success: Golden Steps ABA's Transformative Approach on Indiana TV

News Feature

This April, in honor of Autism Acceptance Month, Golden Steps ABA made a special appearance on a local Indiana TV station, bringing light to the transformative impact of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children on the autism spectrum. The segment featured an interview with Natalie Doughman, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and the Senior Clinical Director of Golden Steps ABA Indiana.

Natalie shared her insights and experiences, highlighting how Golden Steps ABA's individualized approach is making a difference in the lives of children and families across the state and discussed the benefits of home-based therapy, noting that it allows children to learn and apply new skills in their natural environment, fostering greater participation from parents and turning therapy into a collaborative family effort.

Conversely, clinic-based therapy offers a structured setting that is rich in resources and opportunities for children to interact socially with peers. This setting can be particularly beneficial for children who thrive in a more organized environment, offering them the chance to build skills in a different context.

Choosing between home and clinic-based therapy is a critical decision for parents, one that involves considering their child's unique needs, preferences, and the overall goal of therapy. Factors such as location, scheduling, and therapist availability also play significant roles in this decision-making process.

At Golden Steps ABA, the focus is not only on the children but also on supporting the therapists who work tirelessly to help each child reach their full potential. With a presence across 15 states and numerous cities, Golden Steps ABA has established itself as a respected leader in the field, known for its personalized therapy programs and deep, meaningful relationships with the families they serve.

The TV appearance by Natalie Doughman during Autism Acceptance Month serves as a powerful reminder of the positive impact that specialized therapy can have on children with autism. It underscores Golden Steps ABA's commitment to enhancing the lives of these children and their families, one step at a time.

As we continue to expand our reach and services, we remain dedicated to our mission of offering high-quality, personalized care to every child and family we work with!

For those inspired by our journey and eager to learn more about how Golden Steps ABA is transforming the lives of children with autism, follow this link to dive deeper into our story: